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Impractical Magic Page 5

  “Um, I made dinner,” he mumbled.

  You make dinner every day you dork. He could probably guess that dinner happened again.

  “Smells fantastic. What did you make?”

  “Enchiladas. It’s my friend Ben’s recipe.” Fen realized he hadn’t told Kevin much about his friends other than some short anecdotes here and there. They’d been too busy flirting their way around each other. “He’s, uh, the one teaching down in LA that I told you about the first night, remember? He used to make this for us on poker nights. I missed it.”

  “Yeah. I remember. You talk about him a lot. I doubt you’re even aware of it.” Kevin grinned. “Sucks when friends move away for work, huh? I’ve gotten some shit from the guys back home even though I’ll be back in September.”

  Back in September. Right. It wasn’t news to Fen, he’d just forgotten in the rush of kisses and hand-holding and—oh shit, the chips are burning!

  “Hold on. I forgot I put some chips in the oven to warm up.” Fen dashed to the kitchen and yanked his oven door open. The chips weren’t too bad, just blackened around the edges. He was lucky he smelled them when he did. Fen pulled them out and dumped them into the trash. At least he still had half a bag left so he could start over.

  “I swear I’m gonna set my place on fire someday,” he said ruefully to Kevin, who was in the doorway watching the whole thing with an indulgent smile.

  Dinner was nice. A little less fraught than their greeting had been. Still, Kevin’s fingers brushed his when he passed the salad bowl, and those damn moans when he ate. It was like… well, Fen figured those sounds would come out other times too. He was starting to hope he got to hear them someday.

  “Tell me more about Ben,” Kevin said. He’d just finished his second serving of enchiladas and had leaned back, full and satisfied.

  “Uh, like I said, he’s my best friend. Teaches art down the hall from me. For a science dork and an artsy type who’s also a big jock, we just kinda clicked. We’ve been friends since his first day in the building.”

  “But he’s in LA all year?” Kevin’s brow furrowed.

  “Yeah. He took a year-long fellowship and a leave of absence from our school. His job’s waiting, so he’ll be back. I’d have to kill him if he stayed down there.”

  Fen thought of all the weirdness between Ben and Rory and halfway wondered if, despite him and Jeremy and his mom, he might choose to stay there anyway if things didn’t get better.

  “So you’re kinda bored without him?”

  “Yeah. I mean, I still have friends.” Fen chuckled. “It wasn’t just us. There’s Jeremy, he teaches drama, and Ro, uh, that’s Rory, he’s the chemistry teacher. It’s just….”

  “Just what?”

  Fen laughed softly. “I can’t believe I’m spilling all this on you. Stop me the second you start to get super bored.”

  “Not bored.” Kevin reached across Fen’s small table and covered his hand. He slotted their fingers together and squeezed.

  “Thanks,” Fen smiled. “It just all came up again today and it’s weird. Rory and Ben were best friends their whole childhood, and then they fell for each other. Ben kinda pulled a dick move and they lost touch. Just found each other again last fall. It’s been a weird year.”

  “Wait.” Kevin’s eyes grew wide. “These two used to be together and they accidentally got a job teaching at the same high school?”

  “In next-door classrooms. But it’s not a totally random coincidence. They’re both from here. Rory had just moved away for a while.”

  “And now?”

  “Now, Ben’s hiding in LA totally in love with stubborn Rory, and Rory’s here totally in love with Ben, but he won’t make the first move. He already rejected Ben in the spring, so Ben won’t try again either.”

  “Jesus.” Kevin shook his head slowly.

  “Yeah. Jesus.”

  “And I thought a grease fire at a restaurant was a long day.”


  Fen felt like a jerk for going on and on about his friends’ drama when Kevin’s life had been on the line. Okay, maybe near death was a touch dramatic, but it was still dangerous and scary. Fen couldn’t imagine.

  “Yeah. It was small and we got it out quickly enough so there wasn’t much damage. Probably won’t even make the news. Just a lot of paperwork. Mostly for me, since I’m the grunt. Chief’ll just have to sign off on it.”

  “I hate paperwork.”

  Kevin laughed out loud. “You’re a teacher.”

  “Believe me. I know.” As much as he loved his job, the paperwork involved was the bane of his existence.

  After the dinner dishes—which Kevin always insisted on helping with—were done they waddled their full enchilada bellies to the couch for some TV. Kevin still hadn’t seen the last season of Leverage, and Fen was more than happy to watch anything, as long as they were cuddled on the couch. He found himself burrowing closer into the circle of Kevin’s arms, which was out of character for Fen no matter how you cut it. He’d never been a big fan of cuddling, had been more touchy-feely with Ben and Jeremy than the women he’d dated. It just felt right with Kevin, like something he didn’t have to think about, just do.

  An hour later, Kevin was snoring softly on his shoulder with the TV mumbling in the background. Fen hated to wake him, but he couldn’t just stay on the couch all night, as much as he wanted to.

  “Hey, Kev?” Fen whispered. “You’re passing out on me.”

  “Sorry, sorry,” Kevin mumbled. He dragged himself into a sitting position and then up and off the couch. “I probably should go hit it.”

  A little part of Fen was disappointed. A bigger part of him didn’t know if he was ready to say “stay the night,” because, well, that didn’t usually imply just sleeping, and even if he wanted more than that with Kevin, he wasn’t sure he was ready to put it out there. Instead he got up and followed Kevin to the door.

  “Night,” Kevin said quietly. Fen moved into the circle of Kevin’s arms once again. Even though it had been less than a minute, it felt good to be back there. Kevin squeezed lightly and scratched at Fen’s back. His hugs were lovely and intimate and… damn, he smelled good.

  “Night,” Fen answered. He tilted his head up and was rewarded with another of Kevin’s sweet, wonderfully soft kisses. “I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

  Chapter 4

  “HEY, I have a question,” Kevin said around a mouthful of salad a week or so later. Fen thought he shouldn’t think it was cute how enthusiastically Kevin always attacked his food. But he did. So sue him.

  He smiled. “Yeah?” Hopefully, whatever his question was included more kissing. He wanted to kiss him again. Sure, he’d had lots of chances lately. There had been more and more kissing every time they’d had dinner, but Fen wouldn’t say no to another round or ten.

  “There’s this thing I kinda want to do. Has to be on a night I don’t work the next day.”

  Fen gulped a little. What was this thing that would require sleep the next morning? “Yeah?” Yes, yes yes, yes. His voice squeaked a little bit and he was pretty sure his eyes got a bit wide. Dorky. Stop being dorky.

  “Yeah. The nature center has a night walk. You get to see owls and stuff.”

  Owls. Owls. Not what Fen had been expecting. His brain had slipped right into naked and up all night in bed. Still. Owls were pretty adorable on the whole, right? Until they were swooping down and eating your eyeball.

  “You want to go?” Fen hoped his voice didn’t contain too much “why?”

  Kevin grinned and nodded. “Will you go with me? Pleeease? It can be an actual date instead of you making me dinner and me falling asleep in your apartment all the time—not that this isn’t nice and all, but you know. Different. I’ll even buy you dinner. And, um, dessert after?”

  “Ooooh, buy me dinner?” Fen grinned at him. He hadn’t planned on saying no but he couldn’t resist teasing. And the dessert part? Somehow Fen didn’t think dessert was cheesecake. This da
te was sounding better and better.

  Kevin reached across the table and punched his arm lightly. Sometimes when they weren’t making out, Fen kind of forgot Kevin wasn’t just like Ben, Rory, or Jeremy. Sometimes. Other times it was nearly impossible not to rip his clothes off.

  “Is that a yes?” He looked so adorably hopeful that it was impossible to keep teasing him.

  “That’s a yes.”

  THE NIGHT of the alleged night walk, where they were going to see owls, owls of all things, Fen was actually nervous. He might have teased Kevin about dinner and wanting to walk around some pitch-black park to see birds they probably weren’t going to be able to see, but it felt like their first dinner all over again. Even worse. It felt like the first date it very much was. Fen wasn’t exactly good on first dates. Or dates. Or with romance. He was good with kissing. He’d liked that part so far. Fen kept telling himself it was going to be fine.

  He wanted to look cute, obviously, even if half the date was going to be in the dark. He felt all out of sorts and weird about it. He’d never had to work all that hard to impress the girls he’d dated for some reason. He wanted to impress Kevin. Odd thing to be feeling. Fen showered quickly so he’d have time to pick out something to wear. Not like any of his clothes were anything to write home about, but he’d try. Maybe some of his newer dark jeans and a T-shirt with a button-down open over it? That was probably about as good as it was going to get. Fen told himself to get a grip.

  Still, when Kevin showed up right on time to take him to dinner Fen was glad he’d at least tried. Kevin looked hot as hell. He’d traded his usual T-shirts for a plaid button-up and nice jeans. Casual as always, but put together and pretty, and he smelled good, and when he leaned over for a kiss, Fen may or may not have swooned.

  “You look great,” Kevin said. “I haven’t seen this shirt before, have I?”

  Fen shook his head. “You mostly see me in the stuff I wear around the house. Sorry for that by the way.”

  “Why? You always look great. All soft and snuggly.”

  Soft and snuggly was good, right?

  “You’re sweet.” Fen had to kiss him again. He loved kissing Kevin, so why not? Didn’t take much of an excuse. “Where are you taking me for dinner?”

  “How do you feel about Thai?”

  “I love Thai.”

  The only decent Thai place in town that he knew of was all dark and moody too, with low pillowy benches, a ton of candles, and a few strategically placed fountains. Kevin clearly knew his shit. Or he’d gotten lucky. Fen riffled around for his keys, which he always seemed to misplace at the most annoying times.

  “Do you ever see your kids when you go out?” Kevin asked.

  Fen cringed. “A few times. Usually when I’m wearing holey sweats and buying toilet paper at the drug store or something. Most of the time they’re more embarrassed than I am and they pretend not to know it’s me.”

  “Even the girls? I can’t see them ignoring you very often.”

  Fen blushed. He felt it rise quick and hot on his cheeks. “Oh, the girls like Rory. And Ben.” Okay, so he’d had his share of notes and crushy little sighs sent his way. He just never saw himself as the dreamboat sort. Not like Rory with his wavy hair and perfect body, or Ben and his lady-charmer smile.

  “I’m sure they like you too. Must be tough to be a girl at that school. Lots of pretty teachers to look at, but sadly they all seem to like dating guys.”

  Fen snorted. “Not like we’d be dating the students anyway.” He leaned over and whispered in Kevin’s ear. “That’s kind of illegal.”

  Kevin laughed and held out his hand. “Let’s go get dinner. I don’t want to miss the owls.”

  Of course he didn’t.

  DINNER WAS easy as always. Everything with Kevin seemed to go that way. They talked and shared dishes and talked some more. Kevin made him laugh. He made him comfortable, like they’d known each other for years, but kind of uncomfortable too, in the best way. Fen found himself giggling at Kevin’s jokes just like he did in his apartment and made excuses to touch his fingers over the table when he made a point.

  I can do this….

  Fen had wondered if it would feel weird to take what he and Kevin had out of his apartment. Apparently not. Sometime during the meal, Kevin tangled their feet together under the table. It was sweet and intimate and nothing like a first date, but more like the tenth. Fen reached across the table and brushed his finger along the back of Kevin’s hand. He looked over at the front door to the restaurant when he heard giggles.

  Fan-freaking-tastic. If there was one seriously awkward time for this to happen….

  “I think you cursed me,” he said to Kevin. Kevin followed his gaze.


  Fen saw the girls coming their way and held back a groan. “Yup.”

  “Hi, Mr. Keene,” one of the girls said as they passed the table. Another round of quiet giggles erupted.

  “Hi, Daisy. How’s summer going?”

  “Good. How’s your summer?” The girls all looked at Kevin. Fen thought they might explode from grinning. He wasn’t sure if it was because they thought Kevin was hot or because they’d caught their teacher out on an obvious date. With a guy. He decided not to worry about it.

  “It’s been great.”

  “Well, I’ll, uh, let you get back to your dinner.”

  More giggles, plus some rather obvious whispering and a few bouts of elbowing.

  Fen nodded and waved at them as they walked away.

  “Jesus,” he muttered. “That was entertaining.”

  Kevin laughed. “It sure as hell was for them. That one with the blonde hair looked like she was about to explode.”

  Fen rolled his eyes. Those were the same two that had passed Ben notes the entire previous year about ‘shipping’ him with Rory. Just what he needed, for them to start on him. “I know.”

  AFTER DINNER they made the short drive to the nature center for Kevin’s owl walk.

  “Hey, thanks for being a good sport about this. It just seemed cool and I didn’t want to go by myself.”

  Fen grinned. “So I’m just a stand-in for a real date ’cause you didn’t want to look at the little birdies all by yourself?”

  Kevin squeezed his hand. “That’s not what I meant and you know it.”

  “Yeah. I know.” Fen nudged closer to Kevin, surprised by how easy it felt. Yeah, it was new. Sort of. Probably more because he’d never been much of a dater at all, but it felt natural at the same time. He liked it. A lot.

  The group gathered in the dark around their guide, who warned them about flashlights and cameras scaring the shy nocturnal animals. There wasn’t really opportunity to talk. They were supposed to stay quiet and look into the dark around them. In a way it kind of defeated the purpose of going on a date, but it was awesome at the same time because Kevin held Fen’s hand tightly, and his excitement over the owls and little scurrying creatures nearly wafted off him. They got to talk all the time. This was different, seeing an entirely opposite side of Kevin from the flirtatious dinner partner. He was like a kid out in the dark, whispering and pointing at his favorite creatures. Fen thought it was adorable—pretty much like he thought everything about Kevin was adorable.

  He liked it out in the dark a lot more than he would’ve imagined too. Maybe it was the scientist in him. Yeah, physics wasn’t zoology, but he couldn’t help but be a little awed by the shy night animals that came closer when their group was silent. A few times Kevin squeezed his hand. Fen couldn’t see his grin very well, but he knew it was there. As cheesy as it might have sounded, he was happy to be there, feeling Kevin’s excitement.

  IT WAS past midnight by the time they pulled into the parking lot of their building.

  “You don’t have to work tomorrow, right?” Fen knew the answer but he was a little nervous.

  “Nope.” Kevin smiled at him in the dim hallway light.

  “I don’t either. Want to come in?”

n nodded, a bit shyly, Fen thought, although why they were still at the shy point he didn’t know. He elbowed Kevin gently. “C’mon, mister. You’ve been in here a ton of times.”

  “I know. But it’s different tonight.”

  “Why?” Fen asked. He already knew the answer and his poor little heart throbbed in his chest. He needed Kevin to put him out of his misery.

  “Because tonight I’d really like to stay.”

  Yes, yes yes. That’s exactly what he’d been hoping for. Fen’s whole body said yes to falling asleep with Kevin’s toned arms around him and waking up exactly the same way. His body said yes to a hell of a lot more than that.

  “I’m pretty okay with that if you are,” he said with a smile. He took Kevin’s hand and pulled him across the threshold.

  “Do you want a beer? Some coffee or tea?”

  “Nope” Kevin shook his head. “I want to kiss you. I’ve wanted to kiss you all night.”

  Fen didn’t answer other than sliding a hand around Kevin’s neck. He pulled him closer until he felt the crush of soft plush lips and a groan that vibrated him all the way to his toes.

  “Fuck. You’re so hot,” Kevin muttered against Fen’s lips.

  “I’m not—”

  Kevin growled a little. “Shut up. Yes, you are. You have no idea what you make me want to do to you. Kiss me.”

  Fen didn’t have any problem with that. He attacked Kevin’s lips, and Kevin attacked right back. They kissed, deep and hard, walking backward down the hall to his bedroom.

  “It’s the door on the left,” Fen said breathlessly.

  “I know. This place is exactly like mine, silly.”