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Impractical Magic Page 6

  Fen kicked his door open and reached for the hem of Kevin’s shirt. “You okay with this?”

  “Are you kidding me?” Kevin asked. He snorted, then choked a little. “I want to see you,” he said hoarsely.

  Kevin pulled his shirt off and then went for Fen’s shirts as well. Fen hated how white he was, even a few weeks into summer. Compared to Kevin’s burnished gold and perfect abs, he felt pasty.

  “Your skin is so pretty,” Kevin murmured against it, leaning over to brush a kiss on Fen’s shoulder.

  Fen rolled his eyes. “I’m pale.”

  “You’re gorgeous.”

  Kevin led him to his bed and pulled him down, kissing him the entire time.

  “So,” Fen said quietly. He didn’t want to have the talk, he wanted to keep kissing Kevin forever. He had to have the talk, though. If he let Kevin assume, things might get really awkward when all the clothes were gone. Of course if he did, it might freak Kevin out just as much and it would be over before it started. Fen was usually pretty into the truth, though, so….

  “This might be the time where I have to tell you I’ve never been with a guy before.” There. He said it.

  “Really?” Kevin paused. “You seem so comfortable with it.”

  Probably good Kevin hadn’t heard all of the internal freaking out he’d done before they kissed the first time. “It’s not that I haven’t thought about it. A lot. I just… always ended up with women.”

  “But you’re sure you want to?”

  Fen arched his hips into Kevin’s. “Isn’t that pretty obvious?”

  Kevin chuckled. Fen hadn’t ever had that before, where he could laugh and be turned on and silly all at the same time. It was kind of amazing.

  “I just said something so that if I seem a bit clueless you’ll know why….” Fen didn’t like that he felt awkward. “I don’t know what to do.”

  “Sure you do.” Kevin leaned forward and gave him a serious kind of kiss. “At least for most of it. For the rest, we’ll get there when we get there, okay?”

  Fen tugged on the button of Kevin’s jeans. He wanted to feel more skin. More kisses, more hot breath against his neck. Just more. Seemed like a theme with him and Kevin. “Okay.”

  “Just… lie back. I’m pretty sure you know how this feels.”

  He did. Sort of. But at the same time there was something new. Something in the scrape of Kevin’s slight stubble on his belly, the big strong hands that gripped his thighs, the broad shoulders between his legs. It was intoxicating and exotic and weird and wonderful. Fen lifted his head and watched Kevin inch his way closer, sucking love bites into his pale skin.

  “You like to watch?” Kevin asked breathlessly.

  “You don’t have to make it sound so dirty.” Fen had thought he was past the point of embarrassment.

  Kevin shrugged. “I like dirty. Dirty’s fun.”

  And that’s when he decided to take Fen’s whole cock in his mouth. All at once. Like it was no big deal. Fen had to shove his fist in his mouth to keep from screaming. Every little drop of awkwardness, embarrassment, all of that was gone. Burned away in the heat of Kevin’s mouth, the drag of his lips, the slide of his tongue, the way his hands gripped Fen’s hips and wandered up to play with his nipples.

  Different. Fucking Christ. He could barely breathe. Yeah, it was different.

  “Oh God, oh God, oh God.”

  Kevin’s mouth was warm and plush and slick and wet. He hadn’t felt anything so good in far, far too long. Ever, if he was honest. Nothing felt that good.

  “You okay?” Kevin pulled off and looked at Fen with concerned eyes. Might have been the way Fen kept chanting “oh God, oh God” like he was having some sort of religious experience. As far as he was concerned, he was.

  “Yes. Yes. Fucking hell, don’t stop. Please.”

  Kevin inclined his chin with a small smile. “Your wish….”

  And with that, it was back. The heat and slippery wetness and Kevin’s tongue doing the most indecent things to Fen’s sanity. He wasn’t going to last much longer. Or at all.

  “Kev, I’m gonna—I’m. I’m….” Kevin squeezed his hip, which Fen could only assume was encouragement. He threaded one hand through Kevin’s hair, the other gripped his sheets, looking for some sort of purchase. He was gone. His release pounded through him, intense and relentless, until he collapsed against the sheets. “Fucking hell.”

  Kevin looked up. His lips were puffy and dark pink, his pupils blown and eyes glassy. “You okay?” he asked again.

  “Fucking hell,” Fen repeated. Again.

  Kevin chuckled breathlessly and crawled up Fen’s body. “See? You’ve done that before, right? Nothing new.”

  Fen felt like he was finally getting his breath back. “You’re kidding, right?”

  “I wasn’t, but I’ll take the compliment.”

  “I wish I could do that justice when I return the favor.”

  Kevin kissed him. Fen tasted Kevin’s mouth and a slightly bitter tang that had to be his… wow.

  “What makes you think you can’t?” Kevin asked.

  “Experience isn’t exactly in my court.” Fen felt Kevin, hard and damp against his thigh, and he wanted. Damn, he wanted.

  “We can work with that.”

  “WHERE’D YOU get your skin and your hair?” Fen asked. He rubbed his fingers across Kevin’s chest and through the dark brown hair that curled even more around his ears after a night of sleep. Kevin purred at the touch. “Italian?”

  Kevin rolled over and rubbed his face into Fen’s neck. “My mom’s family is Mexican. My little sister’s hair is nearly black, but her skin is a lot paler than mine.”

  “You have a sister?” Fen grinned. He could easily imagine Kevin teasing a little sister but being the best big brother at the same time.

  “Yeah. Janet, but everyone calls her Jani. She’s eighteen. ’Bout to start her senior year in high school.”

  Fen chuckled. “I could have her in my class if you lived here.”

  “Oh God.” Kevin shuddered at the possibility. “She’s constantly on the lookout for guys to hook me up with. It’s pretty embarrassing how badly she wants me to settle down already.”

  “You’re twenty-three. Jesus.” Wonder what she’d think of me?

  “Yeah, but to her it’s ancient.” Kevin shrugged. “I guess our family is the commitment type? We all tend to get married pretty young. My mom was only twenty when she married my dad.”

  Fen thought about it. “My sister’s married too. She didn’t get married until she was thirty, though.”

  “Aww, are you the baby?” Kevin poked at Fen’s cheek. “I can totally tell.”

  “Shut it. Yes.” He was the spoiled brat of the family, but he didn’t want Kevin to know that. Not exactly a hot trait in the guy you’re sleeping with.

  Kevin yawned. “That’s why you’re so spoiled, huh?”

  There goes that. “Not spoiled at all,” he protested. “I will admit to being a momma’s boy, though.” Fen tried to kiss Kevin awake but all he got were sleepy kisses in return and a few kitten yawns. “You’re still tired, aren’t you? When do you have to get up?”

  “Whenever. Never.”

  “Sounds good to me. I’d never complain about more sleep and I don’t have to meet Jeremy till three.”

  Fen rolled over onto his side and dragged Kevin’s arm around him.

  Kevin slotted their legs together and rubbed a kiss onto the back of Fen’s neck. “You want to go back to sleep?”

  “You need to, and I’m definitely not wide awake either. You wore me out last night.”

  Kevin chuckled. “It was fun.”

  “Fun. That’s a word for it.” He shivered.

  “We’ll have to have more… fun tonight.”

  “No complaints here.”

  “DUDE. IT’S your shot.” Jeremy looked like he was either about to laugh or hit Fen over the head with a golf club.

  He’d only been away from Kevin for a few
hours and already he couldn’t do anything but think about how much he wanted to be back in his bed with all that warm skin and those sweet smiles and… damn, he was in trouble. Fen tried to look like he hadn’t just been thinking about sex while he was golfing.

  “What? It’s hot.” He fanned himself for emphasis. “I don’t do well in the heat. My Irish skin is melting.”

  “You missed your turn because you’re hot?” Jeremy asked. The skepticism singed Fen’s entire body. There goes fooling a teacher. He should’ve known better.


  “And not because you haven’t had your eyes off that damn phone since we got here?”

  His phone went off again. Fen had to force himself to not look at it, to drag his uninterested body over to his bag of clubs and pick one. He had no idea if it was even the right one. Or an alien. Or his grandmother or…. Kevin. Another vibration in his pocket nearly had him dropping his club. But he tried to put Kevin and his dirty sexting mouth out of his head and focus on the ball for the thirty seconds it would take to swing. He took a huge swing and totally missed. Didn’t even graze the damn thing.

  Jeremy laughed so hard he ended up on his back, rolling around in the grass. “That was the best shit ever. Ben’s gonna die.”

  “We don’t have to discuss this with Ben.” Fen wasn’t exactly enthused by the idea of the master shit-giver getting wind of his golf failures. Especially not in the snarky-ass mood he’d been in since spring.

  “Please. Yes we do. As soon as we get in the car, I’m calling him and he’s going to hear about how ridiculous you’ve been all summer over… what is it over again? Or should I say who?”

  “It’s nothing. I just kinda like someone.”

  “You get a number from her?”

  Fen held back the epic eye roll and a cringe at the “her.” That part wasn’t Jeremy’s fault “No. I’m texting myself.”

  “I still can’t believe you’re keeping this chick away from me and Ro.”

  “Can you blame me?” He swung again and his ball soared out over the rough to land in, well, not a bad spot actually. It was total luck, though. A Hail Mary shot if he’d ever had one.

  “You suck. You weren’t even trying on that one.” Jeremy looked outraged. “I seriously should make you reshoot. And I want to meet her.”

  “I’m not doing that again.” Fen shrugged. “Your shot. And too bad.”

  As soon as Jeremy was busy choosing the perfect wood for his ball (snicker), Fen whipped out his phone to read Kevin’s text.

  I loved how you tasted last night

  Fen gulped. He didn’t even know how to reply to that other than to collapse on the grass in a shuddering pile of residual lust. Turned out he didn’t have to reply because his phone buzzed again.

  I want to taste you again tonight. Maybe I’ll turn you over and try out a few other parts as well

  Fen’s whole body melted right into the ground. He couldn’t hold back the shot of heat that hit him right in the gut. Part of him thought he should be freaked out by what Kevin was implying, but he wasn’t. At all. All he felt was hot and twitchy and aching to get naked and get Kevin’s mouth on him again. It was…. There were no words.

  Yes please. I’ve been thinking about it all afternoon ;)

  He figured that was a light enough way to say “Oh God, please do, I haven’t even been able to function properly because all I have on my mind is your mouth and your skin and the way I can barely breathe because I want more of it so badly.” Yeah. “Yes, please” was better.

  FEN AND Jeremy struggled through nine more holes before they dragged their tired, red, sweaty bodies back to Jeremy’s Land Rover.

  “That was the longest game of my life.”

  Jeremy punched him. “Pfft. That’s because you weren’t paying even the smallest bit of attention. Maybe next time you can actually play, and then it might go faster. Speaking of which….”

  He turned on the car so his Bluetooth would activate and dialed Ben’s number. It rang a few times before a sleepy, scratchy voice picked up.


  Fen and Jeremy stared at each other openmouthed. “Rory? Is that you?” Jeremy asked.

  Jeremy checked his phone again and showed it to Fen. Yep, he’d dialed Ben’s number.

  Rory chuckled. “Yeah, it’s me and yes, I’m at Ben’s before you ask, ’cause I can hear you flipping out.”

  “Put him on the phone. Right now.” Jeremy’s voice squeaked just a little. He tried to act all macho and manly all the time, but he was just as close to freak-out mode as Fen, who was about to squirm off of his seat.

  “I’m here too, dork.”

  Fen and Jeremy both let out loud whoops and high-fived.

  “It’s about motherfucking time!” Jeremy nearly shouted. Manly emotional control flew out the damn window and around the corner. Fen was so happy. Happy for his friends that they’d finally found what had been sitting right in front of their damn faces all year and probably a long time before that. Finally.

  “No kidding! When—how did this happen?” Fen didn’t even know what question to ask first.

  “Fen? You there too?” Ben chuckled alongside Rory. Fen thought he might have heard kissing noises in there too, but he didn’t investigate further.

  “Yeah. I’m here. One of you start talking.”

  “I did something about it,” Rory said softly. “His message and then you telling me not to be an idiot—”

  “I didn’t say idiot per se,” Fen interrupted.

  “Well, whatever. I got the point and here I am. We’re… well, we’re together.”

  Fen couldn’t stop grinning. “I’m really happy for you guys.”

  “So am I,” Ben said into the phone. He sounded like Ben again: giddy, happy, sarcastic, silly Ben. No more sad face and mopey voice.

  “Does this mean Finchy and I aren’t coming to visit you this summer? Are we getting kicked out of the love nest?” Jeremy punched Fen in the side for calling him Finchy. Typical.

  “You better still be! This one might be coming with you, though.” The smile in his voice was sappy and cutesy and indulgent. Fen had never been happier to hear anything in his life.

  “I don’t think I want Rory with me if I’m coming,” Jeremy muttered.

  “I heard that,” Rory said at the same time as Ben asked,

  “Are you twelve?”

  Fen and Jeremy looked at each other and shrugged. “Uh, yes? When exactly have we ever not been twelve?”

  “Good point.” Fen still heard the smile in his voice. Sap aside, it was nice to have his best friend back.

  “Hey, guys, can we call you later? We were kind of asleep.”

  “What were you doing asleep? It’s the middle of the—you know what? I think I don’t want to know,” Jeremy said.

  “Probably a good call, man.” Ben seemed so happy that Fen couldn’t even work up a tiny bit of horror at the thought of two of his best friends getting it on.

  “Love you guys,” Fen said into the speaker.

  “Love you too, bro. Talk to you soon.”

  Fen and Jeremy waited until they were sure the phone was hung up before they indulged in a little round of not-so-manly squealing. Only a few weird looks from other golfers walking to their cars made them reel it in.

  A few seconds later Jeremy froze. “Damn it.”

  “What?” Fen asked.

  “We were so busy freaking out over Ben and Rory I didn’t even tell him about whatever the hell is going on with you.”

  Fen shrugged. “Sorry.”

  “Yeah, you seem super sorry.”

  Fen grinned at him.

  “I’m still coming over for a beer and nachos. Delia’s out with her book club until ten.”

  And Kevin was at the firehouse barbecue until ten as well. Perfect timing, if you asked him.

  TWENTY MINUTES after Kevin was supposed to show up, he still hadn’t come. Fen was a little worried. It wasn’t like Kevin to be late. He decided to c

  “You okay?” he asked when Kevin picked up the phone.

  “Oh, yeah. Just upstairs. I came by on my way home but I heard you in there with your friend. Didn’t want to interrupt.”

  Fen felt awful. “Oh, you could’ve come in. Jeremy would like you. Whatcha doing?”


  “Is it too late for you to come down?”

  “Do you have chocolate?” The poor thing sounded awfully hopeful. Good thing Fen was never out of chocolate, ever. He was worse than his mom on a bad day if there wasn’t a Toblerone or two hidden in his cabinets.

  Fen chuckled. “Of course.”

  “Then I’ll be there in a few.”

  Three minutes later Kevin was at his door in a pair of plaid pajama bottoms that barely clung to his hips and a thin T-shirt. Fen’s mouth watered just a little bit.

  “Hey there. You don’t have to knock, you know. I’ll text you if I’m trying to pull one off or something.”

  “In that case, I’d definitely come down.” Kevin winked.

  Oh. So that’s what they were doing now? Guess it made sense. Fen shivered a bit and tipped his head for Kevin’s hello kiss. That was another thing they were doing. Can’t say he had any complaints. Kissing, touching, everything so far was so good. So damn good. They kissed for a few more minutes and then Kevin pulled away slowly.

  “You up for a movie before bed? I brought over Despicable Me.” He grinned winningly.

  “It never gets old, does it?”

  “Never. You going to make us snacks?” Fen got another one of Kevin’s adorable smiles. He had no idea how anyone could say no when this kid wanted something.

  “Herb and garlic butter popcorn?”

  “As long as there’s chocolate with it somewhere I’m happy.” Kevin gave Fen another little brush of a kiss. “Can I help?”

  “Of course.”

  “How was your day?” Kevin asked as he was melting the butter to go on the popcorn. Fen was determined to teach him just a little bit about cooking by the end of the summer. Only fair. Kevin was giving him what was pretty much the best sex of his life, even if they hadn’t exactly, well, yeah. Not yet anyway. Might as well do something in return, right?